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10 Farthest Frontier Tips & Tricks for Beginners

  • from PLITCH
  • 09.01.2024

The latest game by the Grim Dawn developers is a city-building simulation, which in its best moments is even better than the Anno series. In our Farthest Frontier Tips and Tricks for Beginners, we’ll show you how to build a thriving and prosperous medieval city and protect your people from all dangers in this complex building game.

1) Settings at the beginning of the game

After clicking on “New Settlement” you set the basic conditions for your adventure. You can choose between the map types “Arid Highlands,” “Idyllic Valley,” “Lowland Lakes,” “Alpine Valleys” and “Plains.” You can also generate a random map. As for the size, you have the choice between large, medium, and small areas.

For the start, we recommend a random map of medium size, because then the different types are well mixed. Each biome has different resource deposits. For example, in the lowland lakes, you’ll find more fish, while in the arid highlands you’ll find plenty of ore and wood.

The selection of the pacifist mode determines whether battles will occur in your gameplay and whether your citizens or your city can be invaded. Additionally, you’ll have the possibility to determine the difficulty level. As a pioneer, you’ll start with a large number of resources and your people will face health problems less often. Also, there are more animals to hunt.

In the medium difficulty level – trailblazer – you have to fight your way through with significantly fewer resources and wild animals are only available in certain hotspots. Also, your people can get sick more often.

The highest levelVanquisher – is only for professionals. You start with almost nothing and all the obstacles that the game has to offer are put in the way of your village construction. Therefore, we recommend you start as a pioneer at the beginning.

2) What’s the best place for your town center?

The location of the city center is crucial for the successful construction of the village in Farthest Frontier. There are several factors to consider. On the one hand, it should be as flat as possible in the surrounding area, so that you don’t have to level anything, and on the other hand, you should choose a place where there’s not too much forest. This way you don’t have to cut down too many trees and you can start building houses right away.

Also, make sure that there’s a body of water and food sources such as berries or wild animals nearby. Access to resources such as ores, clay, and sand will also become important as the game progresses.

3) Farthest Frontier tips: How to collect resources

You need resources for the city center as well as for all the other buildings in Farthest Frontier. For your workers to collect them, you either click on the button “Harvest resources” or activate it with the shortcut H. Via the harvest menu you can select which resources should be harvested. Then mark an area where they’re found and your settlers will get to work.

However, make sure that the area you select is close to the city center so that the distances are as short as possible and you don’t waste any time.

4) Collect food

You need food supplies in Farthest Frontier so that your people don’t starve. You can get them in different ways. With a hunter’s cabin, you can kill wild animals in the area, and with a storage unit for your food, you can automatically collect berries, herbs, and nuts.

You can also place fishing shacks by a body of water. The respective resources must be also located in their vicinity. For example, a hunter’s cabin is only useful where there are deer or wild boars.

Each cabin or shack has a working radius in which the workers are active. For the efficiency to be permanently high, you should adjust and move it now and then. This becomes necessary, for example, when the fishing grounds of the fishing shack are exhausted or all the animals in the radius of the hunter’s cabin have been killed.

5) Build houses and roads

To turn your village into a city in Farthest Frontier, your people need a home. To do this, go to the building menu and then to the “Housing” tab. There you’ll find houses and cabins that you can freely place in the world. Before you do that, however, you should think about a layout that is as practical as possible. You can move buildings later, but the better you think ahead, the easier it’ll be when your city grows.

Your residential buildings can be connected to the city center and other constructs with roads and paths. This is not compulsory, but it has the advantage that your workers will walk faster on a solid surface than over woods and meadows.

To ensure the hygiene as well as the water supply of your citizens, it also makes sense to place wells near the residential buildings. As in the Anno series, the shacks can later be upgraded to better houses.

6) Prepare for winter

The changing of seasons plays a big role in the game. Therefore, as part of our Farthest Frontier tips and tricks, an important piece of advice is to prepare well for winter, so that your people don’t freeze or starve. Therefore, collect enough firewood beforehand. This can be obtained via a Firewood Splitter, where wood is processed.

7) How can you increase the attractiveness?

For your cabins to become real houses in Farthest Frontier, the building site must be attractive to your people. If they’re satisfied with their surroundings, they will use your resources to upgrade their dwellings. Nearby production buildings, for example, hurt the attractiveness. Therefore, make sure to build housing as separately as possible.

Access to different types of food, luxury resources, and fresh water, as well as the construction of service buildings such as an inn, a school, or a theater can increase the attractiveness and thus the well-being of your citizens.

8) How can you move buildings?

Not everything can be thought of in advance. Therefore, now and then it’s necessary to move buildings in Farthest Frontier. Fortunately, you don’t have to tear it down and build a new one, but you can simply move it to save resources. To do this, click on the corresponding building and then select “Move building” in the upper right corner.

9) Repair buildings

Not only do your citizens age with the years, but also your buildings are subject to decaying over time. To prevent them from collapsing, they must be repaired regularly. You can see their condition on the yellow bar above them.

However, since your workers cannot be actively assigned to a building, you have to pause all current construction projects from time to time so that they can devote themselves to repairing the existing ones. And, of course, you need to have the necessary materials on hand.

10) Use trading posts

As already mentioned, the season plays a crucial role in Farthest Frontier. In spring and summer, traders come to your settlement and stay with you for a few days. To sell goods, you must first transport them to the trading post. You can do this using the button of the same name, which you use to determine the type and quantity of goods to be moved.

But the traders are picky. They do not buy and sell everything. You can find information about supply and demand in your inventory display. There are three different alignments of arrows there. A left arrow tells you that the merchant sells this good exclusively. The right arrow is the other way around: he only wants to buy this good. If you see both arrows next to the goods, you can both buy and sell them from them.

When it comes to transportation, the game is very specific. Not only do you have to send every raw material and every good you want to trade to the post first, but also the goods you have bought have to be picked up via the “transport” button. In addition, you’ll also have to bring the necessary currency to the trading post first, so that you can dispose of it. To do this, click on the “Gold transfer” button.

How can PLITCH help you get started in Farthest Frontier?

With our Farthest Frontier tips and tricks, you should not have too much trouble getting started. Nevertheless, the Middle Ages can be merciless. The scarcity of resources and unexpectedly appearing diseases reduce the fun of the game and endanger your survival in the wilderness.

With PLITCH’s Farthest Frontier cheats, you can eliminate diseases as well as farm items for your buildings. Additionally, you can adjust the movement speed of your citizens and manipulate the time. This will help you avoid frustration and make fast progress even if you don’t have much time to play or the difficulty level is trying to throw a spanner in the works.

If you want more tips and tricks about the game, check out our Farthest Frontier farming guide.

Happy Gaming!