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Remnant 2 Tips and Tricks to Master the Wasteland

  • from PLITCH
  • 25.02.2025

Gunfire Games’ latest release has sold over a million copies and is even better than its predecessor. To successfully save the multiverse from the Root, our Remnant 2 Tips and Tricks show you what to look for in combat, how to use the archetypes, and how to make your weapons more powerful.

1) Explore the entire game world

Each dimension in Remnant 2 is full of surprises. Even though the worlds are procedurally generated at their core, you’ll find the same NPCs to interact with every time you go through them. Explore every corner and talk to every character to get new quests and learn new information about the plague.

We also recommend smashing all the vases and chests to get rare materials and other loot. Through extensive exploration, you’ll uncover secrets and solve puzzles. This will pay off in the form of new weapons, amulets, and rings. You shouldn’t rush through the game, but take your time in each area.

2) Weapon mods are important

There’s a lot of combat in Remnant 2. It’s no wonder that your weapons are some of your most important companions. To ensure that they continue to do damage in the later hours of the game, mods are essential. You’ll be able to upgrade your weapons and equip them with new active abilities. There are also mods that add passive bonuses to your weapons. The latter can even be upgraded later.

You’ll get mods during the story missions, by completing side quests, and at the end of a boss fight or two. You can only install one mod per weapon. The most effective are Fargazer, Hot Shot, and Voltaic Rondure. Fargazer makes your enemies go crazy over time, and Hot Shot makes your ammo burn up. This increases the efficiency of your ranged attacks and ensures that your enemies take permanent fire damage.

The Voltaic Rondure weapon mod shoots a pulsating projectile that sends electric shocks in its immediate vicinity. Melee weapons cannot be modded. You’ll need to use mutators for them.

3) Upgrade your weapons

One of the characters you should visit regularly in Remnant 2 is Don “Rig” Rigler. If you have the necessary materials, he will upgrade your weapons. You can find him right next to Ava McCabe’s workplace. Even before you start generating powerful new items from boss artifacts, you should upgrade your starting weapons with him. Upgrades usually increase the amount of damage you do per shot.

Once you get new handguns, it’s a good idea to visit Don Rigler before using them. A stronger weapon without upgrades is weaker than a weaker weapon with upgrades.

4) Remnant 2 tips and tricks: Upgrade your relics

Remnant 2 is a souls-like. This is especially noticeable with the relics. They are similar in handling to the healing flasks in Dark Souls. In the beginning, you get three charges, which you can buy from Wallace in exchange for scrap metal, simulacrum, and lumenite crystals. As they apply to all relics, they can be traded freely. Your first relic is the Dragon Heart, which heals 70 life points.

remnant 2 tips: upgrade your relics

At Station 13, Cass will give you the Enlarged Heart, which restores 140 points. The Blooming Heart has the ability to restore 35 percent of your health to you and your allies. It can be found in the bell tower in Yaesha. The Crystal Heart will fully heal you within ten seconds. As you can see, each of the 19 relics has different properties that must be weighed and used according to the situation.

They can be enhanced with relic fragments. For example, it’s possible to reduce mod cooldowns or increase healing. There are many fragments in the game world. Be sure to check your inventory regularly and equip your relics with them.

5) Rest at the crystals

Resting in Remnant 2 works similarly to Dark Souls or Elden Ring. One of our most important Remnant 2 tips is to use this feature often. Unlike in Baldur’s Gate 3, resting doesn’t cost you any supplies and you can do it as often as you like. The red crystals have the same function as the beacons in FromSoftware’s games.

When you rest at one of these checkpoints, you’ll be fully healed and receive three fresh relic charges. Your ammunition will also regenerate. As in Dark Souls, however, all easy enemies will spawn again. Of course, this doesn’t apply to bosses you’ve already defeated.

6) Perfect your dodging

Speaking of bosses, if you want to survive battling them in Remnant 2, you must master dodging. Even with full armor, their attacks can knock you out in a hurry. Develop a sense of timing to accurately gauge your character’s movements. Practice dodging easy enemies early in the game to get a feel for it.

Find out the weaknesses of bosses and learn their attack patterns. By combining a well-aimed melee attack with a well-timed dodge, you’ll be able to deal a lot of damage without taking it yourself. Not only is melee more effective, but it also saves ammunition.

7) Remnant 2 archetypes guide

What archetypes are there?

There are four archetypes to start with. If you pre-ordered Remnant 2, you can choose a fifth – the Gunslinger. For single-player mode, the Handler type offers some advantages. However, neither type is explicitly better than the other. Rather, the archetypes appeal to different play styles.

The Medic is basically a support, so he can heal well. The Challenger is strong and deals high melee damage. The Hunter gives you ranged bonuses and a higher chance to land critical hits. The Handler gives you a dog as a companion.

Archetype attributes

The higher your level, the more powerful each of your archetype attributes becomes. There are five basic types:

  • Main Attribute (the archetype’s unique advantage).
  • Damage attribute (level for the amount of damage)
  • Team attribute (group benefits such as healing or buffing)
  • Utility Attribute (gameplay and convenience attributes)
  • Relic attribute (temporary effects on relics)

Unlocking Archetypes

Your archetype is not set in stone. It can be changed throughout the game, and you can even add a second one. This is possible once you’ve distributed ten trait points and you have the necessary item. For the Medic, you need the Medic Pin, which you can buy from Doc Norah, and for the Challenger, you need the Old Metal Tool, which you can buy from Reggie.

To unlock the Handler as an additional archetype in Remnant 2, you’ll need to purchase the Old Whistle from Mudtooth, and if you want to use the Hunter, you’ll need to purchase the Rusty Medal from Brabus. Once you have the two requirements (10 trait points + item), go to Wallace and buy the archetype of your choice.

Other archetypes

Besides the four (or five) initial archetypes, there are other archetypes hidden in the game world. You can get the Gunslinger by letting Mudtooth tell you all his stories. The Explorer can be unlocked with the Broken Compass, and the Summoner can be obtained through the Faded Grimoire.

The Alchemist requires the Mysterious Stone, the Engineer requires the Alien Device in the Eon Vault, and the Invader requires the Walker’s Dream.

8) Melee combat is effective

As mentioned earlier, melee combat in Remnant 2 saves ammo. This makes it a good choice not only for boss fights but also for killing simple enemies to delay necessary rests. Improving your melee skills will make exploration easier and help you progress faster overall.

Some of the best melee weapons are the Atom Splitter, which you’ll find in the Vault of the Formless, and the Stonebreaker, which can be found in The Greal Bole. The Gas Giant is also one of the better weapons, with basic attack damage of 74. You can get it from N’erud in Tal Ratha. For the first few hours of the game, we recommend the Hero’s Sword and the Godsplitter.

9) It’s better not to sell anything

Especially if you search through all the vases and chests, there are a lot of items and materials to be found in Remnant 2. Some of it will seem like junk to you, and we wouldn’t blame you if you toyed with the idea of selling it. However, this can quickly turn out to be a mistake, as even what you think is junk can be important later on.

For example, NPCs are always looking for certain items, and if you’ve already sold what they’re looking for, it’s extremely annoying. You also need different materials for crafting, mods, and upgrades. So keep everything organized and use it when you need it.

10) Spend your points on vitality

As usual in a Souls-like game, all of your enemies’ attacks in Remnant 2 can be dangerous threats and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Unlike bosses, you’re not a bullet sponge and can only withstand a few shots or hits. It’s best to spend a good portion of your starting points on vitality to avoid frustration.

This trait increases your maximum HP and the amount of damage you can take. Before you focus on other abilities such as Stamina or Ranged Shooting, make sure your vitality is as high as possible.

Get off to a good start with PLITCH!

Like its predecessor, this action RPG is no walk in the park. But with our Remnant 2 tips and tricks, you should have no trouble getting started. Still, you may find yourself getting stuck in one of the game’s bosses or dimensions. In these cases, the Remnant II cheats by PLITCH will help you.

Give yourself infinite health or switch to Godmode to bypass difficult passages. To level up faster, you can increase your XP multiplier or your trait points. For better gameplay, our trainer also offers the deactivation of weapon recoil and scatter, and the movement speed of your character can also be adjusted.

If you want to learn more about PLITCH, head over to this blog or check out our YouTube video to see our Remnant 2 cheats in action!

Happy Gaming!