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11 Important Avowed Tips and Tricks For a Good Start

  • from PLITCH
  • 27.02.2025

When the makers of Fallout New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity create a new RPG, chances are good that it will be great. Our Avowed Tips and Tricks will show you how the action RPG’s gameplay works, how to master combat, and which skills come in handy.

1) Explore the world

The game world of Avowed is not as open as Witcher 3 or Skyrim. Instead, as part of the main story, you visit larger areas in succession, each of which you are free to explore. There is a lot to discover within each zone, and the order in which you explore them is mainly up to you.

Avowed tips: Explore the world

Don’t miss any side quests, and talk to any NPC with a marker over their head. There are also chests and treasures to loot and collect handy items. There is a theft system in Avowed. So you can take whatever you want whether anyone is watching or not.

2) Get side quests

At first glance, Avowed’s storyline may seem very linear. However, you can often leave the main quest and complete side missions instead. Especially in the cities, you’ll meet many NPCs offering you work if you talk to them.

The exclamation points above their heads can identify NPCs who have a quest for you. However, other NPCs can also be helpful and will reward you with information about the world. It’s worth talking to all of them at least once. Once you’ve accepted a side quest, its location will be indicated by a crystal marker on the map.

3) Upgrade your equipment

The most important factor when facing an opponent in Avowed isn’t your level but your equipment. You should regularly upgrade your equipment in your camps. For this reason alone, it’s important to explore the world thoroughly. Each upgrade will cost you a certain amount of crafting materials.

Your journal lists all of your accepted quests. If you see a skull next to a quest, it’s a sign that you might have trouble completing it without better equipment. If there are three skulls, don’t even try. On the other hand, missions without the symbol aren’t dangerous and can be completed without visiting the workshop.

Occasionally, you’ll find new equipment in the game world, but it’s quicker to level up the items you already have. You can also break down excess inventory into crafting materials. When you’re on the road, send your loot to camp regularly to save weight.

4) Always carry this with you

Even though your carrying capacity is limited in Avowed, there are a few items that you can’t have enough of. First and foremost are lockpicks. As soon as they appear on the vendor’s menu, you should stock up on them. You can also find a few in the open world, but they run out quickly due to the large number of lootable chests.

Another essential item is a grimoire. Even if you don’t want to play as a mage, you should have a spellbook of the elements with you. Not only will they help you in combat, but they will also help you solve puzzles. For example, fire can be used to remove plants that are blocking your path.

5) Talk to your companions

As in most party-based RPGs, talking to your companions occasionally is a good idea. When you visit your camp to upgrade your equipment, look for speech bubbles on the left side of the screen. These will indicate which of your companions has something to say.

You’ll learn exciting backstories and get to know your companions better. Sometimes, you’ll even get specific tips on your play style or ongoing quests. From time to time, these conversations will also provide you with permanent stat boosts or other benefits.

6) Improve your crew’s skills

You’re not the only one with skill trees to unlock. Your companions can learn new things as well. That’s why one of our top Avowed Tips and Tricks is to check which of your companions’ skills might be helpful to you after each level-up and assign them accordingly.

Your companions will use their skills automatically during combat, but we recommend that you use them tactically. For example, if you’re playing as a mage, it makes sense to stun or stop your enemies so they can’t get too close, and you can attack them from a distance.

7) Avowed tips for the map

The minimap is a handy tool in Avowed. It shows you where the enemies are and where you can loot corpses. The map also gives you information about the collectible plants in your area. Despite Avowed’s intense color grading, these are often well hidden and not always immediately visible.

Always look for a directional arrow on the icons. The object is above or below you if it points up or down. Finally, the world is vertically structured in many places, and you can easily climb up most ledges and house walls. The world map shows you your quest objectives, your camps, and the locations of the Adra Waystones. Use it to check which parts of Eora you haven’t explored and plan your route accordingly.

8) Combat tips

You can switch between two sets of weapons during combat. Ideally, they should complement each other. For example, use one for melee combat and another for ranged combat to be prepared for each phase of battle. Always watch your stamina bar and focus on one type of defense (dodge, block, or parry).

A maximum of two companions can assist you in battle. Choose them based on whether they compensate for your character’s weaknesses and complement your abilities. If you can’t take a lot of damage, having a tank with you is helpful. If you’re slow, you need someone fast, and so on. Also, listen to your companions. They can give you valuable battle tips.

Keep an eye on your opponent’s HP bar and stun bar. When the latter is full, you can perform a critical triple attack. Each type of enemy has different weaknesses. With ranged weapons, you can target them and attack them directly.

As you progress through the game, enemy groups will become more complex and contain several different types of enemies. Your first priority should always be to eliminate the healers. After that, focus on the summoners, as they can summon new units. By the way, you can deduce the behavior of each troop from its name.

9) Eat to heal

Healing and essence potions can become scarce during your travels in Avowed. They also cost money or have to be found. So, simply fill up your stats with food. Some foods regenerate both health and essence, while others only regenerate one of the two. Some foods can cause or remove stat effects.

10) Be aware of your surroundings

You can decipher many of the laws of the Living Lands through simple observation. Take a close look at your surroundings in Avowed and learn to navigate the world. For example, tall grass and the stealth mechanic can be used to sneak up on enemies and land the first blow from behind. Stealth doesn’t play a role in the missions, but you can still use it to make combat easier for yourself.

If you see a wall that looks a little unstable, there’s a good chance you can make it collapse. Throw a grenade at it or detonate a nearby barrel. This will give you access to hidden areas. If you can’t reach an island on the water by the most direct route, use your freeze ability to create a small ice floe and continue on your way. When searching houses, there are often hidden options besides the obvious. Look for windows, secret passageways, and weak walls.

11) Fast travel

You can switch between your camps and your already-discovered fast-travel points anytime. The latter look like stone torch holders with a purple flame on them. They will be marked on your map as soon as you approach them.

You won’t lose any progress if you fast-travel to your camp during a mission. Simply return to your last position afterward. Use this feature to level up your equipment or occasionally take care of other things.

Survive in Avowed with PLITCH!

In addition to our Avowed tips and tricks, PLITCH’s Avowed cheats can be a great help in the game. They allow you to customize your adventures in Eora to suit your tastes.

For example, you can give yourself infinite health, stamina, or essence. Add as much gold to your inventory as you want, or change your carrying capacity. You can also adjust the cooldown of your abilities, your attributes, and your movement speed.

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Happy Gaming!