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Towers of Aghasba Tips & Tricks | Beginner’s Guide

  • from PLITCH
  • 06.03.2025

What would happen if you combined Zelda: Breath of the Wild with Shadow of the Colossus and put it in the survival genre? Exactly! You get the surprise hit from Dreamlit Games. In our Towers of Aghasba Tips and Tricks, we’ll show you how to gather resources, cook and fish, and craft the most important items.

1) Towers of Aghasba tips for gathering resources

General tips

Gathering resources can be frustrating at first, but it’s crucial. The main difficulty in Towers of Aghasba is that collectible items are often hard to see and hidden by the environment. Keep an eye out for the green triangles that appear around the world.

Towers of Aghasba tips for gathering resources

Whether they are sticks, stones, or fibers, you will see the marker once you’re within a few feet of them. Simply stand near the item and interact with it to collect it. Make sure you have enough inventory space while exploring.

If an area is completely looted, revisit it later. Due to the day-night cycle, items will spawn repeatedly, and their locations will be random each time.

Finding sticks

Sticks can be found in the lowlands of Towers of Aghasba. They often lie on the ground in large quantities, just waiting for you to pick them up. If there are several next to each other, you can easily see them with your naked eye. Single sticks are more difficult. Under bushes and shrubs, it’s almost impossible to see them behind the flora.

Most of the time, you have no choice but to follow the green markers and hope a stick is hidden under the grass. By the way, the big branches can’t be made into sticks.

Thatch and fiber

Both thatch and fiber grow in bushes in Towers of Aghasba. You can even find common seeds in them, which you need for farming. The only problem is that bushes blend in so well with the environment that you can’t see them without standing right before them. And even then, they are easy to miss. Again, use the markers for orientation.

Overall, you’ll find fewer bushes than sticks and stones. Most of the time, they only contain fibers and seeds. However, if you come across a bush with straw, it will usually drop several units of it at once. In the long run, it makes sense to plant your own bushes so that you have a reliable source of resources and are no longer dependent on chance in the open world.

How to get stones

Collecting stones can also end in frustration. Not everything that looks like a stone can be added to your inventory. As with sticks, a stone only becomes interactive if you see a green marker. All other stones are either pure scenery or something else.

Rocks are an exception. If you hit them with your pickaxe, you can mine stones from them. Of course, this is more effective than collecting the loose items since you get several at once.

Speaking of “several at once,” if you have a large number of bricks in front of you, the game may not mark all of them as interactive. Don’t let this bother you, and try to collect them anyway. The bug may be fixed during the Early Access period. In any case, in this particular case, you can collect stones without a green arrow.

How to get hide in Towers of Aghasba

The island’s ecosystem is very complex, and each animal drops different items. For example, the Razi doesn’t drop animal skin at all, and some of the more dangerous creatures drop scales more frequently. However, at least on the tutorial island, a few species will reliably generate a hide.

The Harelop is a good mount and an excellent item provider. The same goes for the Skirtau, the Spikaroo, the Juvor, and the Beetlepup. To hunt these animals, it’s best to lure them with a few berries, take cover, and then overwhelm them with your spear or a few arrows.

While hunting, always keep an eye on the biome meter in the top right corner. It shows the population of animals in the area. Hunting will lower it while feeding will raise it. It’s best to keep it balanced and not let it drop to zero.

2) Follow the main quest for now

Of course, the beautifully designed open world invites you to explore. And as you progress through the game, you’ll travel extensively. But one of our most important Towers of Aghasba tips is to stick to the main quest for the first few hours of the game. This will save you a lot of time and help you learn the basic mechanics.

There’s no point in uncovering secrets and discovering temples if you don’t even know what they’re for and how to interact with them. The story will send you to all the relevant places anyway. Furthermore, you don’t have the necessary equipment at the beginning to survive longer marches.

In terms of pacing, the survival game is rigorous. First, you have to learn how to make a campfire, how to make a bow, how to make a place to sleep, etc. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll have fun and succeed in exploring the open world.

3) Place your Colossal Tree near the village

As a newcomer in Towers of Aghasba, it’s tempting to place the colossal tree in a place where it’s visually appealing. However, you’ll often have to walk back and forth between it and the village. If the distance between the two is large, it can quickly become annoying. We recommend that you place it as close to the village as possible.

4) Towers of Aghasba fishing guide

How to learn to fish

Fish are an excellent source of energy that you shouldn’t miss out on. However, the game is relatively sparse in terms of information on how to catch these digital water dwellers. You can get a quest from the hunter Hoa, but no fishing plan is included.

You’ll have to get creative in Towers of Aghasba. As with wildlife on land, you can use your spear or bow and arrow. Both are about equally good, so it’s a matter of personal preference which you choose. You’ll find the hunter Hoa on Amani Island. He’s standing on a cliff by the lake. He’ll teach you the basics of hunting.

Use your weapon to fish

No matter what weapon you choose in Towers of Aghasba. The fishing process is always the same: aim your arrow or spear at the fish and keep enough distance so the animal doesn’t notice you and flee in fear. It’s best to focus on prey that swims as high as possible. The deeper a fish swims, the harder it is to catch.

Plan your shot as accurately as possible. If you miss, you’ll scare your prey away. But as soon as you catch one of the water dwellers, jump to it and collect it.

5) How to heal yourself

The enemies in Towers of Aghasba are tough and can deal much damage. Since sleep doesn’t regenerate your HP bar, you need to eat food to heal yourself. At the very beginning of the game, your only option is to eat berries found in the environment. They will restore a small amount of your energy.

Once you can build a fire, you’ll have access to more efficient methods. For example, processed food will restore almost all of your HP. Since the Early Access release, the main quest around the campfire has been moved up so that you won’t be without it for long in the current release.

6) Cooking tips

How do you unlock cooking?

To unlock Cooking, you have to follow the game’s story. Complete the Shipwrecked Shimu quest in Towers of Aghasba so your people can get a home in their old homeland after the shipwreck. Then, as part of the Establish Our First Village quest, construct the necessary buildings until you finally get the Food for the Soul quest. Now, all you have to do is bring three lettuces to Patihoon, and you’ll be allowed to cook.

How to grow lettuce

Since lettuce can’t be found in the open world, you’ll have to grow it yourself. You’ll need a variety of crafting materials. Use an axe to chop down trees until you have ten wood units. Then, collect fibers and open the crafting section. Use them to make a total of three ropes.

Now, you need the resin from the resin trees. Three pieces are enough for your first farm. Plant common seeds in the ground to make sure that something grows on it. You can get them by looting bushes. After you have grown three lettuce plants, wait a few minutes until they are fully grown, and then take them to Patihoon.


Once you’ve given the lettuce to Patihoon in Towers of Aghasba, he will provide you with the plans for the campfire. You’ll need five pieces of wood, three pieces of straw, and two flints to build it. You can add straw to your inventory by harvesting bushes. You’ll need a pickaxe to collect flints. Use it to smash rock fragments.

Once you have all the ingredients, open your inventory and go to the crafting menu. Select the campfire and place it anywhere you like. It can also be disassembled so that you can use it elsewhere.

Customize Towers of Aghasba with PLITCH!

With our Towers of Aghasba tips and tricks, you have the tools to rebuild your lost civilization. With PLITCH’s Towers of Aghasba cheats, you can customize your journey even more. Give your character infinite health or stamina, and set your running speed to whatever you want. You can also customize your jump height and the number of items you carry with our single-player trainer.

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