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Wartales Tips and Tricks For a Good Start

  • from PLITCH
  • 21.02.2025

In our Wartales Tips and Tricks, we’ll show you how the classes and professions work, how to organize your team, and how to get a good start in the vast medieval world.

1) Stay on the road

Depending on the terrain you travel in Wartales, your party will tire faster or slower. When your companions are tired, you need to take a break. Running through forest or snow will drain your party’s stamina faster than running on roads. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to your route, especially in the beginning.

Since your party will always travel in a straight line, you’ll need to constantly set new waypoints and adjust your course. You’ll have to leave the roads for quests, but as long as you explore, you’ll be more effective there.

2) Explore buildings

Buildings also play an essential role in Wartales. Early in the game, you should take a trip to the prison. However, we advise you not to recruit the inmates. Their skills aren’t very valuable. Much more important are the chains you can buy there. They can be used to capture prisoners for the lucrative slave trade.

The inn is also worth a visit. Here, you can accept quests and tasks. The apothecary and the blacksmith are also valuable destinations. The blacksmith will repair your equipment, and the apothecary will heal your comrades. You’ll generally find helpful NPCs and valuable loot while exploring buildings.

3) Get the right companions

At the beginning of Wartales, you’ll choose your starting party from four companions. Later, you can hire NPCs and add them to your crew. While there is no limit to the number of mercenaries you can hire, you should be frugal when hiring. After all, every member needs money and food. If you can’t pay them, they’ll defect, and if you can’t feed them, they’ll starve.

In addition, the number of enemies you encounter during free exploration scales with the number of companions you have. The more you acquire, the more enemies you’ll face on the battlefield. Companions are divided into classes. You can choose from rangers, archers, brutes, swordsmen, warriors, and spearmen. Each of these classes has three subclasses. Think about what kind of playstyle you want, and then choose the skills you want in your troop.

Wartales tips on companions

For the first few hours of the game, we recommend avoiding bandits. Traveling with stolen goods will put you at a disadvantage. Also, make sure you have a good balance of melee and ranged fighters in your party. The turn-based combat in Wartales is merciless, and you won’t stand a chance with a poorly constructed build.

4) Where can I find new companions?

New companions can be found almost anywhere in the world of Wartales, but mainly in towns. When you interact with NPCs, you’ll find out if they’d like to join you by talking to them. You don’t have to decide right away. Once an NPC has offered to join your party, you can always come back and accept it.

It should be noted that most recruits already have a set profession. Think carefully about whether you can really use that NPC, and try to keep your party’s specializations as diverse as possible. In our opinion, the ideal group size is seven to eight people. Assuming, of course, that you can afford their upkeep.

5) What are the pros and cons of new companions?

It makes a difference in which game mode you recruit in Wartales. As mentioned earlier, in free exploration, the enemy scales with you. However, if you play in region-locked mode, the number stays the same, and you can gain an advantage with a larger manpower. The downside to having a large party is that you’ll need to cook more food and spend more gold on pay.

Adding a new companion of a class you don’t already have will give you access to a new skill tree. You’ll also gain more passive abilities to use in battle. Make sure your team is as balanced as possible, and consider rejecting a potential companion if their abilities are redundant. There’s a lot to choose from throughout the game. It’s worth waiting for the right addition.

6) Wartales tips for leveling your companions

As you level up, you can improve the attributes of your allies in Wartales. There are three attributes to choose from. One of them is marked with a ++. This means that you’ll receive a double bonus for that attribute. It’s best to always take the bonus with you. Unless, of course, the trait is against your chosen play style. Then, of course, you have to weigh it up.

About every second level-up, you’ll have the option to specialize. These are shown as square icons and can be active or passive. Some of them consume valor. Keep an eye on the value and balance your skills accordingly. Specific passive skills will allow you to recover valor points for actions.

Passive skills can be triggered, for example, when a battle begins or an enemy is defeated. Attribute boosts and skills should always fit the character. Strength is important for a swordsman, and ranged fighters will benefit from increased dexterity.

7) Determine professions

Since the game has no actual tutorial and throws you in at the deep end, one of our most important Wartales tips is the choice of professions. Unfavorable constellations bring difficulties, while a wise choice will give you a good base. If you want to change professions afterward, it can reset your experience points or cause other penalties.

There are five ranks per profession. From beginner to journeyman to master. The most crucial profession at the beginning is the Tinker. Not only does he give you resources per rest, but he can also build and improve storage tools. Once he has made a cooking pot, you should hire a cook or fisherman to provide food permanently.

Other good professions to start with are the blacksmith and the alchemist. The alchemist can make all sorts of things, such as medicines or bombs, and the blacksmith can improve your people’s armor. In total, there are 10 professions in Wartales. Miners extract ore from mines, scholars solve puzzles, thieves pick locks, and bards sing songs.

8) Use your camping gear

Once your companions in Wartales are exhausted, you must set up camp. While you’re resting, you’ll collect pay and settle disputes. You’ll also coordinate your party and make things. This is where your Tinker comes in. If you put him on the workbench, he will build equipment that will give you permanent benefits when you camp. These include permanent income and tools for other professions.

The campfire will increase the satisfaction of your companions, and the strategy table will improve your battle tactics. The lectern allows your scholar to gain experience outside of the tombs. The lute is necessary for your bard, and the chest can store valuables. A dice increases your luck by two points, and a beehive produces honey, which is needed for many recipes.

9) Learn new recipes

Speaking of recipes. Over time, you should acquire new ones for more food per meal. You can find them in markets and taverns. To learn a recipe, all you have to do is read it. This will cost you one knowledge point. Especially when recruiting new companions, you’ll need more efficient food, even on medium difficulty, so that your party doesn’t starve.

Good beginner recipes include oatmeal and candied fruit. You can get the oatmeal from the Shabby Camp in Arthes County, and the fruit from the Cortia Tavern. Also useful for beginners are the energy travel packs, roasted carrots, cheese, and pasta.

10) Catching animals

Hunting and killing animals gives you experience points and food in Wartales. However, another way to take advantage of the medieval fauna is Domestication. Animals can be captured and domesticated. With the Hunter or Beastmaster skill, you can assign them to one of your companions and have them give them orders in battle. Bears, in particular, can both take and deal great damage.

Be sure to feed your animal friends as well as your human friends. To capture an animal, one of your companions must start a fight with it and lower its health by attacking it. Once its HP is down to 25% or less, take a secondary companion and have them flank the animal. By knocking it out, you can then use ropes to hold it down.

You’ll need three ropes for a wolf and five for a bear. You can also buy some at markets, as well as catch wild animals. One of the first places to do this is the Plateau Stables. There, you can recruit a pony for money.

11) Other Wartales Tips and Tricks

  • Salt increases the effectiveness of your food. It’s one of the most important cooking ingredients and should always be in your inventory.
  • If you break the law, the officers will notice you. Make sure that you don’t have a search level that is too high. You can lower it by moving around and putting criminals back in jail. The exception to this is if you’re taking on the challenges of the Crime and Mayhem path. These challenges require you to build up suspicion and steal as much as possible. There are 14 challenges per way. Other paths include Power and Glory, Trade and Crafting, and Secrets and Wisdom.
  • Use as many passive skills as possible in your camp and place your companions at the stations of their professions. Keep in mind that you can still be attacked while resting. Better safe than sorry.

Enhance your Wartales experience with PLITCH!

The tactical RPG is a highly complex game, and the developers don’t give you much help or hints on how to find your way around it. However, with our Wartales tips and tricks, you will have a good basis for a successful run. To make the game easier or more difficult for you, the Wartales cheats by PLITCH will help you.

Increase or decrease your suspicion, give your companions as many experience points as you want, or increase your valor in battle. Overcome longer distances by turning off exhaustion and freezing the time of day. Use the Wartales trainer to customize your game.

If you want to learn more about PLITCH, check out this blog and our YouTube channel.

Happy Gaming!